It’s time we ensure every Minnesotan gets the rent support they deserve.
Over 550,000 Minnesotans live in households that struggle to pay rent every month.
We are proud to call Minnesota home. In Minnesota, we create solutions and are there for one another. The solution to our housing crisis is within reach.
Families are barely hanging on to home.
550,000 Minnesotans - from every corner of the state - are at risk of losing their home every month because the rent is too high. Families earning low incomes simply cannot afford to live in our communities.
We need a solution as big as the problem.
We need Bring it Home, Minnesota.
With Bring it Home, Minnesota, we can all have a brighter future - together.
Bring it Home, Minnesota is a new program enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature in 2023 to help ensure every Minnesotan gets the rent support they deserve.
Rent support in the form of rent vouchers help people with lower incomes find and stay in their homes.
We all do better when we all have a home.